
Our Purpose

The purpose of the fraternity of Alpha Zeta is to bind together a group of men and women interested in the continued advancement of agriculture and natural resources, and to foster and develop high standards of scholarship, character, leadership and a spirit of fellowship among its members. Alpha Zeta Partners further extends this purpose by focusing on the component of leadership development.

Our Mission

The mission of Alpha Zeta Partners is to develop premier leaders for the future of Agriculture and Natural Resources through leadership, scholarship, fellowship, and experience.



  1. Alpha Zeta Partners Spent Six Weeks in Brazil

    Jan 15, 2019

    Ten students – all members of Alpha Zeta Partners – from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) spent their time in Brazil taking Portuguese and agriculture classes at Ohio State’s partner institution, Escola Superior de Agricultura in the University of São Paulo (ESALQ – USP) located in Piracicaba. Accompanied by Associate Professor Jeff King, PhD, the group was in Brazil from January 3 – February 9.

  2. Class 20 Blog from Brazil

    Class 20 Blog from Brazil

    Jan 8, 2019

    Read about class 20's travels in Brazil on their blog! 

  3. Class 19: Brazil Recap

    Mar 29, 2018

    Just over a month ago, Class 19 made their reappearance into the country after spending 6 weeks exploring the wonder that is Brazil. During this unique opportunity, students not only learned about agriculture in a foreign country, but also actively experienced a culture unlike their own. Before the trip, however, there was a cloud of doubt and uncertainty surrounding everyone, but after just a couple days, those emotions were replaced by excitement and relaxation.