
Every year, the new Alpha Zeta Partners class attends a six-week study abroad trip to Brazil. For most of the time, the group attends classes at the branch campus of University of Sao Paulo, ESALQ, in Piracicaba, Brazil. The lectures are taught by Brazilian professors and cover subjects related to history, agriculture, government, culture and economy of Brazil. In Piracicaba, the students also stay with a host family for a weekend and meet with them periodically throughout the trip. When not in classes, the students go on tours throughout the country including a 9-day bus tour through several regions of Brazil. Some examples of tours include soybean operations, apple orchards, sugar cane operations, factories, museums and cooperatives. The students also have time to relax and participate in fun activities such as white water rafting, snorkeling, samba dancing, sightseeing and hiking. Ultimately, the students get a chance to experience a unique culture and gain lifelong friendships.

For information related to Brazil and what to expect, please see the links in the left menu bar under 'Brazil'.